Faculty of Physical Education

Physical Education Profession was opened in accordance with the Decree of the Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Improvement of the Education System of Turkmenistan” and “Improvement the work of the Educational Institutions” dated on February 15, 2007. In April 2010, with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was established the Faculty of Physical Education. Faculty trains specialists in the field of physical education, sports psychology, sports journalism and public health. Students specializing in this field are taught to master innovative technologies and using of their possibilities in teaching. Students of the faculty take part at the State Competitions in disciplines taught at the institute.  There is a special education center which helps students with their scientific research works. It has always been an integral part of the training process and academic life at the institute. Taking into account the policy of the Esteemed President to develop physical culture and sports in the country, departments of the faculty work on the issues of improvement physical culture and sports of the country. 
The teachers and students actively participate in various international and national conferences, educational and research programs. The success of lecturers and students is shown on TV, broadcast and published on the pages of the newspapers and magazines.



744013, Aşgabat şäheri, Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy şaýoly, 40-njy jaý.
744013, Ashgabat city, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Ave., house 40.
744013, город Ашхабад, пр. Сапармурата Туркменбаши, дом 40.

Telefon belgiler:
+99312 22-65-47